
Personality Plus


Understand Personality Traits Behind People Behaviour

Benefits for Individuals

Why Should You Use Personality Assessment?

Deeper Understanding to People and Their Actions

Gain insights into people behaviors for better career decisions

Matching Skills & Interests

find a career that aligns with your natural strengths and desires

Increased Happiness & Productivity

Pursue a fulfilling career for overall well-being

Benefits for Employers

Why Career Assessments Matter?

Candidate Screening

Assess personality, interests, and values for job fit

Efficient Hiring

Focus interviews on areas not covered by the assessment

Building Successful Teams

Match employees with roles for a win-win situation

Career path

Exploring Career Options

Holland Codes and Career Pairings

Investigative-Realistic for engineering, Artistic-Investigative for psychology

Variety of Options

Discover diverse career paths based on your personality type

Why us

Leading psychometric testing in the Middle East

We speak people

We understand how to realize their potential and drive behaviour change

We understand work

And how to organize it and get it done as effectively as possibly

We dig deep

We provide a detailed look on your organization’s structure to help you drive change

We're collaborative

We build the solution with you so everyone feels they have a stake in its success

We'll see it through to the end

We don’t just provide a blueprint for success, we support organizations on every aspect of implementation.

We are data driven

We own the most comprehensive people databases in the region. We understand exactly what drives success in the workplace

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360˚ feedback

Pulse surveys

Development index

Employee engagement

Individual Development

Career Orientation




Personality basic

Personality plus


Leadership Potentiality

Leadership Styles





Emotional Intelligence