
Jan 23, 2021

Can We Assess Toxic Workplace Traits?

As companies become more attuned to the detrimental effects of toxic work environments, the importance of assessing behaviors that contribute to toxicity has come to the forefront. Toxic workplace traits can lead to lowered morale, stifled productivity, and increased turnover. Some of the more insidious traits—like narcissism and Machiavellianism—may not be immediately apparent but can subtly erode a team’s cohesion over time. At ASSESS, we believe that understanding these traits through psychometric tools allows organizations to take proactive measures, fostering healthier, more collaborative workplaces.

Defining Toxic Traits in the Workplace

Toxic traits vary widely in the workplace, and while some are subtle, others are overtly disruptive. Common toxic traits include:

  1. Poor Communication: Miscommunication or an unwillingness to engage in open dialogue can result in misunderstandings, confusion, and ultimately low morale.

  2. Blame Culture: Individuals who regularly deflect responsibility or blame others can harm team dynamics, preventing accountability and growth.

  3. Bullying or Harassment: This includes intimidating, demeaning, or belittling behaviors, which are among the clearest indicators of a toxic workplace.

  4. Narcissism: People with narcissistic tendencies often have a grandiose sense of self-importance, frequently disregarding the input or achievements of others. Their need for admiration and entitlement can create friction and hinder collaboration.

  5. Machiavellianism: This trait, defined by manipulative and exploitative tendencies, involves individuals using deceit or coercion to get their way. Such behaviors can lead to distrust and a hostile work atmosphere.

  6. Uncooperativeness and Negativity: Constant criticism, refusal to engage, or persistent pessimism can sap the energy of a team and prevent collective progress.

Recognizing these traits can be challenging, especially when they aren’t overtly displayed. However, through structured psychometric assessments, organizations can identify patterns and predict behaviors that might be disruptive.

Psychometric Assessments for Toxic Traits

Modern psychometric tools allow for a nuanced evaluation of personality and behavioral tendencies, helping to identify signs of toxicity. These assessments offer insights into aspects such as emotional intelligence, conflict resolution styles, and predispositions toward certain behaviors. When tailored to assess personality traits like narcissism and Machiavellianism, they can highlight tendencies that might otherwise go unnoticed.

For example, Personality Assessments may be tailored to flag behaviors related to narcissism and Machiavellianism. These can help in understanding tendencies for manipulation, self-centeredness, and disregard for team welfare. A common tool used in such evaluations is the Dark Triad Inventory, which assesses levels of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy—traits associated with toxic behaviors. While psychopathy might not often be a key consideration in workplaces, identifying the other two traits can be crucial for maintaining a positive work environment.

In addition to personality inventories, Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) can simulate work scenarios to reveal how individuals might react under pressure or in challenging team situations. Those who score high in toxic traits may respond with aggression, manipulation, or defensiveness in these scenarios, offering a glimpse into their likely real-world behaviors.

Benefits of Assessing Toxic Traits

By proactively identifying toxic traits, organizations can create a culture that prioritizes emotional intelligence, empathy, and collaboration. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved Hiring Decisions: With assessments for traits like narcissism and Machiavellianism, hiring managers can make more informed decisions, choosing individuals whose personalities align with a healthy work culture.

  • Enhanced Team Cohesion: Identifying and addressing toxic traits enables companies to build more cohesive teams, reducing conflict and increasing mutual respect.

  • Increased Retention: Employees are more likely to stay with a company where they feel respected and valued, free from the negative impact of toxic behaviors.

  • Targeted Development Programs: For individuals who exhibit potentially harmful traits, customized development plans can focus on building emotional intelligence, improving communication, and encouraging accountability.


The ability to assess toxic workplace traits can transform an organization’s culture, helping leaders address potentially harmful behaviors before they escalate. Psychometric tools offer a powerful way to detect tendencies for narcissism, Machiavellianism, and other traits associated with toxicity. At ASSESS, we’re committed to helping organizations build healthier work environments by providing the tools to identify, understand, and mitigate these traits. By fostering a culture that promotes respect, collaboration, and personal growth, companies can create workplaces where every team member has the opportunity to thrive.

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